ELumCal Software

Currently, the analysis of the object's lighting condition, especially the floodlighting, is made based on raster images made in pseudocolour technology. Evaluation of the average value of the illuminance and luminance level on the entire facility and its selected areas needs to be more accurate. Another problem is measuring the illuminated object's surface area, primarily its irregular shape.

The ELumCal system aims to provide a convenient, simple and fast way of shaping and analysing a three-dimensional object model, both virtual and real. The system developed by the Lighting Technology Division of the Warsaw University of Technology is the basis for the direct and accurate determination of geometric and photometric parameters of the object. In particular, the values of average luminance, average illuminance and lighting efficiency.

The developed technology works well in calculations regardless of the size of the object, its geometric shape and the number of architectural details.

The system works with any computer software supporting lighting design.

Photometric parameters are analysed based on raster images of luminance distribution, illuminance and daytime photographs of the object. Knowing the exact values of these parameters, the lighting efficiency is also calculated.

Using the ELumCal system, the analysis can concern the object whose lighting is in the design phase or already implemented.

Advantages of the ELumCal system:

  • precise measurement of illuminance distribution,
  • accurate measurement of luminance distribution,
  • determination of average values of illuminance and luminance,
  • accurate size of the surface area of an object, regardless of its geometric shape,
  • determining the reflective properties of materials from which the object is built,
  • calculation of the floodlighting efficiency of both a virtual object and a real one that has already been illuminated.

More information: Rafał Krupiński, DSc PhD, Prof. WUT

e-mail: rafal.krupinski@pw.edu.pl    Install

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